

Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick: Message for the 2nd Fukushima Evacuation Trial

Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, Co-authors The Untold History of the United States, book and documentary film series
   From the very beginning of the Fukushima nuclear accident, more than three years ago, TEPCO and Japanese government officials have deliberately and consistently misled the public on the extent of the damage and on the risks posed to the health of Japan’s citizens.
   This has been especially true when it comes to the most vulnerable―the affected children.
   And now, as the Abe administration recklessly pushes to restart Japan’s nuclear power plants, it again betrays the interests of the children in the Fukushima area, where radiation levels remain dangerously high.
   So long as uncertainty exists, and many experts are convinced the threat is real, there is no excuse to gamble with the health of defenseless children.
   In the name of compassion, decency, and justice, we call upon the Japanese government to stand with the victims instead of the perpetrators and resettle the children somewhere where they won’t have to face the daily risks posed by heightened levels of radiation.

Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick

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