

ENE News. ABC San Diego: Alarming report of Fukushima fallout harmingU.S. infants (VIDEO)

ABC San Diego, April 5, 2013: Two years later, the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan may be affecting the health of young children in San Diego. [...] In a study of states in the West Coast and in the Pacific, infants born soon after the nuclear disaster were 28 percent more likely to develop congenital hypothyroidism, which can lead to stunted growth. In California, that number jumped to 39 percent. Critics say there is still no direct evidence those radiation levels can harm humans.

MSN, April 5, 2013: It’s already well known how devastating the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown was for Japan — dramatic spikes in radiation-related illnesses, an increase in likely cancer deaths over the next several years, and pollution which may never truly be cleaned up. A new study suggests what many worldwide have feared — that the devastation from the traveling radiation has in fact sickened infants in other countries, including babies born shortly after the incident in Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. The study, conducted by scientists with the Radiation and Public Health Project, found that babies born shortly after the incident were 28 percent more likely to suffer from congenital hypothyroidism than were children born in those states during the same period one year earlier.

1 件のコメント:

  1. こちらの記事の日本語訳は下記に記されていますので、引用します。

    木下黄太のブログ「福島第一原発を考えます」より:ABC系テレビニュースが警告「カリフォルニア、原発事故影響で先天性甲状腺機能低下が39%増加可能性」2013-04-08 14:17:14


    それでもまだ低いレベルだが、Radiation and Public Health Projectは、それでも子どもを傷つけた可能性を否定できないと言う。




