After that, two mothers emotionally appealed the court why they decided to be plaintiffs, how much sacrifices were involved in voluntary evacuation and why they require the government to take responsibility for evacuation. By the next hearing on the November 26th, appellants are going to assert and prove in response to the request of the presiding judge as well as to add more assertion and proof regarding the severity of anticipated children’s health damage and the urgency of the evacuation.
What was notable in this interrogation was that the presiding judge showed an interest in the reasons why children cannot evacuate by themselves, but he had little interest in the real situation of the health damage by radiation. There are two possible reasons for this. One is that he is intended to overrule the statement because he thinks that the preservation is not necessary. The other is that he is going to approve the testimony once the appellants submit enough evidence to persuade him the necessity of the preservation.
There is no telling which is correct and it is also useless to inquire into this. The most important thing may be that more and more citizens should raise a cry of protest in order to strengthen the judge’s resolution if his intention is to approve the testimony, or to change his mind if he is going to reject it.
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